You can create questionnaires when your skills have been created and assigned to your users. You should select questionnaires upon creating a new channel, i.e., Facebook. One root question is used per conversational channel and sent automatically to the client when they message inbound for the first time. |
Create a new questionnaire - Select to create a new questionnaire. |
Filter questionnaires - Search for existing questionnaires. | |
Edit or view - Select to view or edit an existing questionnaire. |
Delete - Delete a specific questionnaire. |
Creating a questionnaire is simple, and you need to think about what you want your customer to see on entry to the specific channel, e.g., "Welcome. How can we get you to the correct agent?" Once you have created your question, you need to create options for the customer to input, e.g.,
Name - Name your questionnaire. |
Question - Create a question that your customers will see when they first submit a chat. | |
Number - This is the option the customer needs to reply with to route to the appropriate agent. The system allows for between 1 – 9 options. |
Option display name - This is the name of the option the customer sees, e.g., sales or customer service. | |
Next Question - If you have already created questions, you can select these from the drop-down menu. | |
Finally, attach Skills to each option. Once the customer has selected their option, they are routed to an agent with the correct skill. |
Skills - Assign skills that can be attached to this question. | |
Submit - Select submit once you have finished creating your questionnaire. |